Persian turquoise

  • Time : 1/8/17, 5:52 PM
  • Read : 1,552 Times
Turquoise is derived from rocks formed by lava. When water runs through the gaps between the rocks it changes the texture and materials of the lava and shapes turquoise.

Persian Turquoise


Turquoise is derived from rocks formed by lava. When water runs through the gaps between the rocks it changes the texture and materials of the lava and shapes turquoise.

Those who have worked in mines for so long believe that turquoise is the only alive stone in the world that loves water and becomes more shiny and attractive near water.The best turquoise in the world is mined in Neyshabour.

The oldest mine in the world is located in Neyshabour and has been active for 5000 years. The most desirable turquoise is being exported from this particular mine. Turquoise (firozeh) was originally named pirozeh which means victory because there is a belief that whoever owns it will gain victory.

Since turquoise is full of veins it is necessary to mine it by hand so that there would be no damage to the veins. That is why mining turquoise is a difficult job which needs time, skill and full attention.

Turquoise mined traditionally by hands and tools is clearer, more desirable and therefore more expensive. The price of turquoise depends on the cut, size, color and clarity of turquoise.

Cutting and polishing by hand is difficult but gives a more desirable turquoise.

To see our turquoise collection, please Click here