Repousse and chasing in Iran

  • Time : 1/2/17, 5:25 PM
  • Read : 1,736 Times
Repousse and chasing is shaping and ornamenting metal using a hammer. It is a traditional art which goes way back to Medes in Iran. Archaeologists believe that copper is the first metal that attracted human’s attention to apply in repousse and chasing.

Persian repousse and Chasing


Repousse and chasing is shaping and ornamenting metal using a hammer. It is a traditional art which goes way back to Medes in Iran.

Archaeologists believe that copper is the first metal that attracted human’s attention to apply in repousse and chasing.

Repousse and chasing is a combination of the artist’s talent, mores, traditions, and culture.

Ornaments and symbols applied in repousse and chasing have changed from one historical period to another due to different ideas, cultures and social situations.

In repousse and chasing the artist fill inside or under the container or tray with plaster and tar in order to make less noise while hammering, and to avoid cutting a hole in the container. Then, they draw the conceptual design on the container, choose the right punch, and hammer the surface of the metal container to create designs and grooves.

Our Repousse and chasing utensils collection