Persian felt rug

  • Time : 1/7/17, 8:25 PM
  • Read : 1,353 Times

Persian Felt rug


Felt is a kind of rug produced by getting wool wet, heating and compressing it.Heat and moisture makes the fibers of wool to hook together or weave together, and compressing speeds up the process. The dense texture of felt does not permeate humidity or the cold.

Felting is probably the oldest way of using wool to make a rug. These types of rugs are made in cold areas where people keep livestock and produce wool.The process of felt making starts by spreading the wool on the ground and applying water and soap to it. Then, the local artists walk on the felt with bare feet and then use hands and elbows to compress it. They croon in groups while doing that.

When the wool gets compressed they roll it in mat and heat it from underneath while a few men walk on it. Bigger felts take hours to be compressed. Then, they open the roll and create designs on the felt with strips of colorful wool and continue compressing until the design become part of the felt.

please Click here to see our felt rug collection.